Wish list campaign for the Caritas Children’s Village Bottrop

Shortly before Christmas, the company SABUG GmbH received 73 wish lists from the children of the Caritas Children’s Village in Bottrop. We gladly tried to fulfill these wishes with the help of our customers and other donors. It worked! All wishes could be fulfilled. You, dear donors made the children’s eyes light up! Many thanks…


WHG-compliant drainage through welded PP pipe system!

Acaro PP SN 12 from Wavin and IP-plus welding ring from Sabug provide the solution. On the premises of a freight forwarding company in Mannheim, surface water must be completely collected and drained in welded systems in accordance with the Water Resources Act (WHG). For this purpose, the surface was completely renewed and the surface…


Sabug shaft lining, now with DIBt approval!

According to the AwSV, special constructions are prescribed on manhole chucks, e.g. feedthroughs to concrete structures to plastic pipelines. In accordance with the specifications, the new SABUG- AwSV shaft liner with approvals Z-40.23-578 and Z-74.9-198 meets the following requirements: chemically resistant give JGS pullout proof construction directly weldable with the IP-plus welding system freely adjustable…


Our partners

Sabug introduces companies certified for the IP-plus welding system! This makes it easy to quickly find local contractors who process the IP-plus welding system. For data protection reasons, please enquire directly with us in Heiden about the relevant contact person with the displayed code number.


Leak testing system- DPA for lugged sewer pipes

Checking the tightness of pipes simply, quickly and safely!SABUG introduces a new type of test equipment for stale sewage pipes!Suitable for leak tests according to DIN EN 1610 and DWA-A 139 and for the “L” and “W” methods. Further information here!


Umzug nahezu komplett!

Trotz der widrigen Umstände bedingt durch die Corona Pandemie ist der Wechsel des Standortes der SABUG GmbH von Dorsten nach Heiden nun nahezu abgeschlossen. Das neue Betriebsgebäude bietet nun mehr Platz in allen Bereichen und ist mit der modernsten Infrastruktur ausgestattet. Wir konnten die Büroflächen verdoppeln und unsere Lagerfläche mehr als vervierfachen. Damit ist es nun…
