Industry and trade

Drainage systems in industrial and commercial areas generally have to meet increased requirements in terms of leak tightness, chemical resistance and temperature resistance. The ingredients of the wastewater are not always clearly definable. This applies to small quantities of undefined wastewater from laboratories or similar facilities as well as to discharges from large process plants.

Rainwater can also be highly contaminated due to pollution of filling and storage areas.

Drainage systems to this extent fall under Section 62 para. 1 sentences 1 and 2 WHG and must be such that an adverse change in the properties of water bodies is not to be feared.

This principle of concern, which is also formulated in § 32 and § 48 WHG, places strict requirements on the operator and all other persons working at the plant. The aim is not only to avert specific threats to water bodies, but to achieve such a level of safety that adverse alteration of water bodies is unlikely based on human experience. Accordingly, all plant components such as pipes, manholes, inlets and tanks must meet the chemical, thermal and static requirements.

Sabug always offers the right systems for the discharge and storage of water-polluting substances with the highest safety requirements according to WHG. From planning to delivery of the products.

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Foundation pipes

Drainage in foundations and floor slabs for rainwater and wastewater pipes

Airports – Ports – Stations

Airports, ports, train stations meet almost all the circumstances to be classified as LAU facilities. First, these facilities may be for the storage (Lagerung) “L” of substances hazardous to water.

Recycling yards – Scrap yards

The large number of waste code numbers and their composition (mixtures) means that many waste materials are classified as generally hazardous to water under the Waste Catalogue Ordinance (AVV).

Gas stations and tank farms

Filling stations and tank storage facilities are LAU facilities in the classic sense, with the “A” for filling substances hazardous to water in the foreground.

Industrial plants/power stations

Power plants form the backbone of our energy supply in Germany. Today, more than 80% of electrical energy is still produced by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil.

Chemical parks/refineries

Chemical products as well as all other goods that are produced on a large industrial scale are an integral part of our everyday life:

LAU plants

The abbreviation “LAU” stands for Lagern (storage), Abfüllen (filling) und Umschlagen (handling). These terms are used in water law for types of facilities whose design, construction and maintenance must take into account environmental regulations for substances hazardous to water.

The handling of substances hazardous to water is governed by the Water Resources Act. This states, in what is known as the principle of concern, that LAU facilities “shall be of such a nature and shall be constructed, maintained, operated, and decommissioned in such a manner that no adverse change in the characteristics of waters is likely to occur.”

Examples of LAU plants


Warehouse facilities

Chemical storage, finished goods storage, VbF storage (e.g., fuel oil tanks), may consist of tanks, multiple drums, or small containers; used oil tanks, collection of used substances for later disposal; storage tanks with ongoing withdrawal of the substance; an area regularly used for storing, staging, or holding substances hazardous to water.


Filling plants

Filling of water-polluting substances into stationary and mobile containers, e.g. into drums or storage tanks from tank trucks; an area where water-polluting substances are filled from one transport container to another


Handling facilities

Transfer of substances in containers or packaging from one means of transport to another; an area or unloading site where substances hazardous to water are transferred.