Manure storage / manure plates

Manure and dung plates and are usually laid out with a downstream septic tank. Depending on the size of the bearing plate, the requirements of the Ordinance on Installations for Handling Substances Hazardous to Water (AwSV) and the Technical Rules for Substances Hazardous to Water (TRwS Worksheet DWA-A-792) must be observed during construction in a permanently water-impermeable design.

All drainage system components must be designed in accordance with DWA-A 792 (TRwS 792). For piping, this means that all connections must be welded or bonded together in a non-detachable manner. This also refers to the connections to separation shafts, inlets, etc.Anschlüsse an Trennschächten, Zuläufen, etc.

Containers and collecting pits must also be procured and equipped in accordance with DWA-A 792 (TRwS 792).