Trainings – Training of welders

Welding of sewage systems is most often used where there are special circumstances. AwSV- facilities, drinking water protection zones or other facilities requiring safety.

As a rule, certificates of expertise in the welding process must be presented for these applications.

For this reason, and because the IP-plus welding system differs from the welding processes with which commercially available electrofusion sockets are processed, special training courses are offered by SABUG to acquire the necessary expertise.  This enables both experienced PE welders and people who have no experience in this field to use the IP-plus welding system correctly and safely.

In addition to good equipment, people are one of the decisive factors for a sustainably good work result. In order to ensure perfect conditions for welding the IP plus welding system, we offer the possibility of training the performing welders as a certificate of competence.


Welding is carried out in accordance with DVS guideline DVS 2207.



In the training courses we teach:



I. : Theoretical part

– Basics of plastic welding

– Introduction to the IP-plus welding system

– Introduction to the “Multi Voltage” welding technique

– Assembly instructions

– Tips and tricks to avoid mistakes


II. : Practical part

– Practical welding exercises

– Evaluation and analysis of the welding


After successful completion of the examination, the trainee will receive a SABUG welding certificate.


Your trainers

Thomas Lindner
Tel.: +49(0)2867 775303-30

ZIP code area:
26000-26999 | 40000-49999 | 50000 – 52999 | 58000-59999 | Luxemburg L 1019 – L 9999

Carsten Eggert
Tel.: +49(0)531 87889796

ZIP code area:
20000-21999 | 27000-29999 | 30000-34999 | 37000-39999

Thomas Haupt
Tel.: +49(0)170 5623756

ZIP code area:
01000-09999 | 92000-99999 |
Austria: A 10-57 | A 70-99

Evelyn Kurtz
Tel.: +49(0)30-8959711-13

ZIP code area:

Christian Neumann
Tel.: +49(0)4154-7598921

ZIP code area:
17000-19999 | 22000-25999

Michael Weissenrieder
Tel.: +49(0)7525 30997-61

ZIP code area:
70000-89999 | 90000-91999 |
Austria: A 60-69

Lars Kunter
Tel.: +49(0)171-9372498

ZIP code area:
35000 – 36999 | 53000 – 57999 | 60000 – 69999 | L1019 – L9999